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Oliver A. Ryder, Ph.D.
Kleberg Endowed Director of Conservation Genetics
Dec. 5, 2018 10:40 a.m. -11:45 a.m. –
Location: E2 Simularium
includes Q&A, Discussion
The potential impact of the continuing development of collecting and freezing viable cells of extant species, combined with advancements in biological knowledge of genomes, stem cells, and comparative reproduction will bring to humankind the ability to manipulate life on Earth and its onward evolution that is unprecedented. Our species has assumed a role more active than ever before in impacting the destiny of biological diversity.
While the “Sixth Extinction,” is a chronicle of our times, it also becomes possible for an intervention to preserve species that have reached the point of extinction – or crossed what was previously a singularity and be rescued through the agency of cryopreserved cells.
Species which have had viable cells banked from multiple individuals and which have genomic data are less likely to become extinct than those that do not.
The ethical implications of using, declining to use, or deferring to develop and use the emerging technologies in cell, genomic, and reproductive biology require societal discussion. As important as this activity will be for humankind, another imperative confronts us: There may not be more biological diversity to sample and preserve than now exists for geological time periods. Accordingly, it in the best interests of the future of biological diversity and of humankind to rapidly expand the efforts to establish and cryopreserve cell cultures from diverse species, beginning with those most likely to disappear.
Frozen viable cells of the extinct po ‘ouli (Melamprosops phaeosoma) were derived from the last individual of this species of Hawaiian bird.
Dr. Ryder will appear as a guest lecturer for Dr. David Haussler’s Scientific Principles of Life class. All are welcome.