Wednesday April 25, 2018 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Baskin Engineering Courtyard, between Jack Baskin Engineering and Engineering 2, UC Santa Cruz campus.
Join the UC Santa Cruz community on Tuesday, April 25th to celebrate National DNA DAY! Come learn how to extract DNA from strawberries, and hear about how research at UC Santa Cruz is advancing new discoveries in fields as diverse as cancer treatment, AIDS vaccines, and environmental conservation.

DNA DAY is a national holiday honoring the discovery of DNA’s double helix in 1953, as well as the accomplishment of the Human Genome Project in 2003. It’s a chance to celebrate our common identity in all its myriad, unique, & individual expressions. UC Santa Cruz commemorates this special day by offering many opportunities to engage in the latest advancements of genomic research and explore how this research may impact our lives.
This event is free and everyone is invited!
Vehicle parking is very limited on campus. Bus and bike are recommended.
Stay tuned for updates and more information.

Last modified: Mar 06, 2018