Student Council Symposium 2018

Directly preceding ISMB 2018
July 6, 2018
The Student Council Symposium is a forum for students, post-docs, and young researchers in the fields of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work to an international audience, build a network within the computational biology community and develop important soft skills in an environment that fosters exchange of ideas and knowledge. Learn more and register.
Keynote speakers

Dr. Lucia Peixoto

Dr. Lucia Peixoto is a tenure-track Assistant professor at Washington State University College of Medicine. She uses genomics and computational biology approaches to study brain function. She and her group are interested in understanding the underlying molecular basis of Autism Spectrum Disorders and their comorbidity with Intellectual Disability and Sleep Impairments. The lab uses mouse models for functional genomic studies of behavior and patient samples to study genetic contributions to disease. Her latest work was featured as the cover of Science Signaling in January 2018. Moreover, Dr. Peixoto is a former ISCB Student Council leader, having chaired the SCC in 2008 and 2009 and served as SC representative to the board of directors of ISCB in 2009. Currently she is the Junior PI COSI leader as well as the Travel fellowship Committee chair for ISMB2018.

Prof. Debora Marks

Debora Marks is a computational biologist, a professor at Harvard University in the Departments of Systems Biology and Biomedical Informatics. She runs a vibrant new lab focused on computational approaches to predict effects of genetic variation and its impact on disease risk and drug response. In her early research, she made important discoveries in the field of microRNAs and gene regulation. More recently, she made breakthrough advances on predicting three-dimensional protein and RNA structures from sequences alone. She won the Overton Prize in 2016 and is recruiting!.

Last modified: May 08, 2018