Tracking the Evolution of COVID Genome Variants

NHGRI Diversity Action Plan (DAP) Seminar Series 
The overarching goal of this NHGRI Diversity Action Plan (DAP) program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral, social and clinical research workforce in genomics.
In this spirit, the NHGRI training network is pleased to announce its collaboration on a weekly seminar series running from June 9 to August 11, Wednesdays at Noon PDT. (1PM MT, 2PM CT, 3PM ET).
Featured speakers include:

July 14 July 21 July 28
Dr. Sofie Salama Dr. Angela Brooks Dr. Vicki Auerbuch Stone

Join the seminars virtually:
Meeting ID: 160 093 4581
Passcode: DAP2021
Check out the complete schedule.
Kicking off the seminar series Wednesday, June 9:
Speaker: Dr. Greg Wray, Duke University
Title: “Tracking the Evolution of COVID Genome Variants”

Last modified: Jul 07, 2021