Image of a remotely controlable microscope

Our Cloud-Based Technologies

A metal device with an illuminated dish on top

Our Technologies:

Microscopy on Autoculture

Microscopy of autocultured organisms, cell cultures, or organoids (1, 2)

  1. Capture Z-stacks of images to build 2-D or 3-D images of 2-D or 3-D samples, such as frog embryos, zebrafish, and human cerebral cortex organoids.
  2. Use Extended Depth of Field (EDoF) composite images to simplify the end user’s visual analysis of longitudinal changes in a 3D sample.
  3. Observe 24 samples in a 6×4 array, enabling multiple simultaneous treatment options.
  4. Each well is equipped with a virtual microscope and camera allowing a resolution of 7 um. Conduct experiments (for days or weeks) in UCSC-located, temperature and humidity controlled CO2 incubators.

Autoculture details (3)

  1. 1-24 wells per plate (120 uL volume per well).
  2. Up to 3 different refrigerated media reservoirs; option to vary media composition for each well.
  3. 24 spent media collection tubes for each individual well for downstream analysis.
  4. Maximal feed frequency: 72 sec.
  5. Volume of exchanged media per feeding: 5-1000 ul.

Examples of Microscopy on autocultured organisms/cells:

images of Microscopy
image of Culture plate over different hour durations
Longitudinal imaging a) Culture plate on device (outside of the incubator), b) Regeneration of planaria worms, c) Zebrafish embryos at oblong stage, d) Zebrafish embryo at 48 hours post fertilization, e) magnification of image d), f) time course of a growing cerebral cortex organoid derived from human embryonic stem cells..

Related publications

Remotely operated Microscopy

1. Picroscope: low-cost system for simultaneous longitudinal biological imaging. Ly VT et al., Commun Biol. 2021 Nov 4;4(1):1261

2. Low cost cloud based remote microscopy for biological sciences Baudin PV et al., Internet of Things 18 (2022) 100454


3. Modular automated microfluidic cell culture platform reduces glycolytic stress in cerebral cortex organoids. Seiler ST, Mantalas GL, Selberg J, et al. bioRxiv 2022.07.13.499938;


Development of electrophysiology/neural recordings (not yet available for collaborations)

  1. Record neural activity from neurons for several days.
  2. Various recording durations and intervals are possible.

Example: Neural recordings

image of graph using software platforms for cloud-based neural
UCSC is developing hardware and software platforms for cloud-based neural recording experiments.

Related publication

1. Light-weight electrophysiology hardware and software platform for cloud-based neural recording experiments. Voitiuk K, Geng J, Keefe MG, et al. J Neural Eng. (2021) 18(6)


Lab on a chip

  1. Optical sample detection with sincel nucleic acid strand sensitivity
  2. On-chip sample processing 
  3. Detection of  single nucleic acid strand sensitivity with 8 fM detection limit
  4. Simultaneous protein and nucleic acid solid phase extraction for virus detection

Examples using lab on a chip

image of lab work
Operation of the optofluidic sample preparation is entirely online through the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology allows for remote operation of microfluidics and will teach students simple coding and microfluidic chip technology details.
graph demonstrating Signal strength of a DNA assay and the Signal strength of a protein assay.
Detection of virus particles using different dilutions of Zika virus particles and two different detection methods. (a) Signal strength of a DNA assay (b) Signal strength of a protein assay.

Related publication

1. Integration of sample preparation and analysis into an optofluidic chip for multi-target disease detection. Meena GG, Jain A, Parks JW, Stambaugh A, et al. Lab Chip. 2018 Dec 7;18(23):3678-3686.

All experimental details will vary with the individual experiment and our equipment is constantly improving. Please contact us ( about collaborations and your ideas to take advantage of our cloud-enabled experimental setups for education and research at High Schools and PUI colleges.

Last modified: May 08, 2024