Computer engineer Roberto Manduchi honored with ‘test of time’ award

By Tim Stephens, UCSC Public Information Office
Roberto Manduchi, professor of computer engineering at UC Santa Cruz, has received a Helmholtz Test-of-Time Award from the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
This award recognizes the best papers published at the ICCV which continue to influence the field 10 or more years after their publication. Manduchi and his coauthor Carlo Tomasi were honored for their 1998 paper “Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images.”
The ICCV instituted the Helmholtz Test-of-Time award this year with an inaugural batch of awards covering papers presented at ICCV from 1987 to 1999. At the next ICCV, awards will be given covering the years 2001 to 2005, after which awards will be given annually for the best papers from ten years previous to the award year.
Manduchi’s research currently focuses on assistive technology for people with visual impairments. Specifically, he is exploring the use of mobile computer vision and wearable sensors for increased spatial awareness and information access. Manduchi formed the Computer Vision Lab at UCSC and helped establish the MATTER Center, which brings together faculty in engineering, psychology, nursing, and rehabilitation from UC Santa Cruz, UC San Francisco, and UC Davis.

Last modified: Dec 13, 2013