Stepping up the fight against childhood diseases

John “Bud” and Rebecca Colligan, longtime supporters of the Genomics Institute, have established the Colligan Presidential Chair in Pediatric Genomics with matching funds from the University of California Office of the President.
The UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute has been opening up new high-tech fronts in the battle against children’s diseases.
John “Bud” and Rebecca Colligan, longtime supporters of the Genomics Institute, have established the Colligan Presidential Chair in Pediatric Genomics with matching funds from the University of California Office of the President.
The endowed chair will support a distinguished member of the UC Santa Cruz faculty whose research involves pediatric genomics.
Efforts at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute to drive targeted treatment of diseases by unlocking the world’s genomic information include a focus on pediatric cancer driven by the Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative.
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Last modified: Dec 22, 2016