Amanda Rotella, Santa Cruz Economic Development, August 10, 2017
Living in Santa Cruz, it can be easy to forget that we have a world class research institution right in our backyard. If you don’t interact with the University on a regular basis, you may not realize that there are BIG (we are taking gigantically important) things happening up at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). For instance, you may not know that UCSC is currently ranked 4th in the world for research influence, as measured by the number of times UCSC faculty’s published work is cited by scholars around the world. You may also not know that there is a team up at UCSC who is taking on pediatric cancer. We sat down with Olena Morozova and David Haussler to learn more about their big thing: the Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative, which is working to better understand and better treat cancer in children.