Startup Sandbox to enhance Santa Cruz’s biotech competitiveness

By   – October 5, 2017

Our goal is to foster the commercialization of research discoveries and attract intellectual and financial capital that is essential to our region’s economic vitality.” — Alireza Chavosh, Director

Startup Sandbox, a new biotechnology incubator affiliated with UC Santa Cruz, opened its doors on August 1, 2017 at 250 Natural Bridges Drive on the Westside of town, advantageously positioned between the UCSC campus and some of the best beaches in the area.
Local residents Lou Pambianco and Judy Owen are leading the effort, as President and Chair of the board of directors, respectively. Together they bring over 60 years of in-depth Silicon Valley experience. Pambianco has consulted to some of the most successful Silicon Valley giants including Intel, Apple, and Cisco, and Owen has served as CEO, General Manager, and Director to leading companies such as Wireless Access Inc. Silicon Graphics, and Intel. They are also founders of Angels by the Sea, an early stage investment group cultivating entrepreneurial enterprises in the greater Monterey Bay area.
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Last modified: Oct 27, 2017