Month: May 2009
Haussler and Stuart part of breast cancer “Dream Team”
Team will pursue personalized treatment that targets individual cancers with tailored therapies A $16.5 million, three-year grant to develop new and more effective therapies to fight breast cancer was awarded today to a multi-institutional “Dream Team” of scientists and clinicians that includes biomolecular engineers Josh Stuart and David Haussler from UC Santa Cruz. Haussler is…
What makes us human?
By Richard Hughey, Computer Engineering, UCSC Dr. Katherine Pollard, postdoctoral alumna of the Center for Biomolecular Science and Engineering and the UCSC genome browser, wrote the May cover story of Scientific American, “What Makes Us Human?.” The article is based on her research with professor of biomolecular engineering David Haussler, director of the center and an HHMI investigator, and…