A man holding a camera films another man showing something on his smartphone to Karen Miga and another woman in her lab.

Media Resources

Media Contact

headshot of Rose Miyatsu

For all press and media inquiries, please reach out directly to our Assistant Director of Communications, Rose Miyatsu. Your message will be returned at our first opportunity.

Email: rmiyatsu@ucsc.edu

Background Information

Please visit the links below for content, background, and resources for reporters. For specific questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly.

In federal funding awards

In industry and non-profit funding awards

Citations in 2022 and an overall h-index of 298

Affiliate faculty

Unique mentoring/ training programs to reduce barriers to STEM

Animal genomes added to our Browser’s Genark genome system

Mammal genomes compared using our Cactus software tool

Pathogen genomes visualized with phylogenetic trees

Bases added to the existing human genome reference through the pangenome

More images and b-roll are available upon request. Please reach out with your specific image needs to our communications lead, rmiyatsu@ucsc.edu 

Visuals of our genome, cancer, and pathogen browsers.

More images available upon request

Last modified: Jun 11, 2024