Media Resources
Press / Media Resources
Media Contact

For all press and media inquiries, please reach out directly to our Assistant Director of Communications, Rose Miyatsu. Your message will be returned at our first opportunity.
Email: rmiyatsu@ucsc.edu
Background Information
Please visit the links below for content, background, and resources for reporters. For specific questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly.
- T2T and Pangenome Fast Facts
- Our current projects and labs and research groups
- Background: The 1985 Santa Cruz Workshop and the Origins of the Human Genome Project
- Background: UC Santa Cruz creates first human genome assembly (New York Times, 2001)
- Background: UCSC Genome Browser History
The Latest at the Genomics Institute
Quick Numbers (2022-2023)
In federal funding awards
In industry and non-profit funding awards
Citations in 2022 and an overall h-index of 298
Affiliate faculty
Unique mentoring/ training programs to reduce barriers to STEM
Animal genomes added to our Browser’s Genark genome system
Mammal genomes compared using our Cactus software tool
Pathogen genomes visualized with phylogenetic trees
119 Billion
Bases added to the existing human genome reference through the pangenome
Top Headlines (2022-2023)
Other Featured News Stories
- The Completion of the Human Genome – Science, NPR, Washington Post, BBC, multiple other news outlets
- Genomics Institute tool becomes primary method to identify lineages of COVID-19 worldwide
- Data Sharing for Pediatric Cancers – by David Haussler & Olena Morozova Vaske
- The broken promise that undermines human genome research – Nature
- Decoding and Defeating Cancer with Data Science – presented by UCSC and SlateCustom
Statements from the Genomics Institute
Share pandemic sequences openly and fast- Nature
Data sharing statement made to National Academies by David Haussler
Image Gallery
More images and b-roll are available upon request. Please reach out with your specific image needs to our communications lead, rmiyatsu@ucsc.edu
Product Screenshots
Visuals of our genome, cancer, and pathogen browsers.
More images available upon request