Month: January 2013

  • Monk seal book wins AAAS/Subaru prize for young adult science book

    Monk seal book wins AAAS/Subaru prize for young adult science book

    By Tim Stephens, UCSC Public Information Office The latest book by UC Santa Cruz marine biologist Terrie Williams, The Odyssey of KP2, has received a AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books from Science Books and Films (SB&F), an online publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Williams, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UCSC, tells…

  • The complete genome sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains

    We present a high-quality genome sequence of a Neanderthal woman from Siberia. We show that her parents were related at the level of half-siblings and that mating among close relatives was common among her recent ancestors. We also sequenced the genome of a Neanderthal from the Caucasus to low coverage. An analysis of the relationships…

  • The UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser: update 2013

    Abstract: The UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser ( is a set of web-based tools to display, investigate and analyze cancer genomics data and its associated clinical information. The browser provides whole-genome to base-pair level views of several different types of genomics data, including some next-generation sequencing platforms. The ability to view multiple datasets together allows users…

Last modified: Jan 10, 2013