Month: February 2013

  • Molecular Pathways: Extracting Medical Knowledge from High Throughput Genomic Data.

    Abstract: High-throughput genomic data that measures RNA expression, DNA copy number, mutation status, and protein levels provide us with insights into the molecular pathway structure of cancer. Genomic lesions (amplifications, deletions, mutations) and epigenetic modifications disrupt biochemical cellular pathways. Although the number of possible lesions is vast, different genomic alterations may result in concordant expression…

  • “Function-first” lead discovery: mode of action profiling of natural product libraries using image-based screening.

    Abstract: Cytological profiling is a high-content image-based screening technology that provides insight into the mode of action (MOA) for test compounds by directly measuring hundreds of phenotypic cellular features. We have extended this recently reported technology to the mechanistic characterization of unknown natural products libraries for the direct prediction of compound MOAs at the primary…

Last modified: Feb 21, 2013