Month: September 2017

  • As 200 Mammals Project Enters Analysis Stage, Investigators Look Ahead to Increasingly Contiguous Animal Genomes

    By: Andrea Anderson NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Which parts of the genome are important for building a mammal? With new grant funding in hand, members of the 200 Mammals Project are continuing to work away at a genomics resource for answering this and many more questions. Much of the mammal sequencing effort is undertaken with…

  • [10/05/2017] BME 280B Fall 2017 Seminar Series Part: Two

    [10/05/2017] BME 280B Fall 2017 Seminar Series Part: Two

    *Pizza will be provided for all lectures in the series courtesy of Dovetail Genomics Drugging the undruggable Location: Biomed 200, UCSC Campus When: Thursday, October 5, 2017 11:40 AM Speaker: Scott Lokey Areas of Expertise: Organic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Chemistry Yeast-display library screening for cancer immunotargeting Location: Biomed 200, UCSC Campus When: Thursday, October 5, 2017 12:40 PM Speaker: Nathalie…

  • [9/28/2017] BME 280B Fall 2017 Seminar Series

    [9/28/2017] BME 280B Fall 2017 Seminar Series

    *Pizza will be provided for all lectures in the series courtesy of Dovetail Genomics F#@$ Cancer: Overview of Cancer Genomics Projects in the Stuart Lab Location: Biomed 200, UCSC Campus When: Thursday, September 28, 2017 11:40 AM Speaker: Josh Stuart UC Santa Cruz biomolecular engineer Joshua Stuart is a principal member of a new “Dream Team” of cancer…

Last modified: Sep 14, 2017