Month: November 2017

  • A horse is a horse, of course, of course—except when it isn’t

    A horse is a horse, of course, of course—except when it isn’t

    By Tim Stephens – November 28, 2017 An international team of researchers has discovered a previously unrecognized genus of extinct horses that roamed North America during the last ice age. The new findings, published November 28 in the journal eLife, are based on an analysis of ancient DNA from fossils of the enigmatic “New World stilt-legged horse” excavated from sites such…

  • How just is genomics and biomedical research?

    How just is genomics and biomedical research?

    Monday 13 November 2017 Have commercial imperatives won when it comes to biomedical research? Professor Jenny Reardon argues that genomics hasn’t delivered on promised public and civic values. Simplistic narratives of cures and miracle drugs obscure harder questions about the meaning of and control over genomic data. While not denying the scientific break-throughs of genomics, she…

  • Natural selection shaped the rise and fall of passenger pigeon genomic diversity

    Natural selection shaped the rise and fall of passenger pigeon genomic diversity

    The passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) numbered between 3 billion and 5 billion individuals before its 19th-century decline and eventual extinction (1). Passenger pigeons were highly mobile and bred in large social colonies, and their population lacked clear geographic structure (2). Few vertebrates have populations this large and cohesive, and the neutral model of molecular evolution…

  • What DNA Says About the Extinction of America’s Most Common Bird

    What DNA Says About the Extinction of America’s Most Common Bird

    ED YONG  – NOV 16, 2017 On September 1, 1914, an old, trembling passenger pigeon named Martha died at Cincinnati Zoo. With her demise, her entire species slid into extinction. But in many ways, the species was already gone, for a solitary passenger pigeon is almost not a passenger pigeon at all. This is an animal…

  • Biotechnology’s rapid growth on Santa Cruz’s Westside

    Biotechnology’s rapid growth on Santa Cruz’s Westside

    By Calvin Men, Santa Cruz Sentinel POSTED: 09/25/17 SANTA CRUZ >> Dan Heller has a swatch of carpet samples leaning against a chair in his office. The CEO of Two Pore Guys, a biotech company, is gearing up for the company’s accelerated growth. The company just expanded the office space to 16,000 square feet and plan on…

  • World-Renowned Health Research on the Hill

    World-Renowned Health Research on the Hill

    UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute is Unlocking Life’s Genetic Code to Unravel Disease SANTA CRUZ, CA – November 9, 2017  – Surrounded by redwoods and breathtaking views of the Monterey Bay, the 150+ Santa Cruz researchers and scientists at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute have their eyes trained on their computer screens. They are…

  • Fuzzy-Face Frisbee Friday

    Fuzzy-Face Frisbee Friday Disc golf tournament Disc golf followed by a taco party & raffle! Win a surfboard & other great prizes!* Free T-shirt with donation & team participation *Must be present to win. Sign up, chow down at our pre-event Woodstock’s pizza party Wed. Nov. 29, 12-2pm Science Courtyard Get in the mood: Grow…

  • [Monday – November, 13 ] Accurate genotyping across variant classes and lengths using variant graphs

    Jonas Andreas Sibbesen University of Copenhagen Accurate genotyping across variant classes and lengths using variant graphs Monday, November 13, 2017 12:15 — 1:15 PM Engineering 2, Room 599 Abstract Genotype estimates from genome sequencing data are typically based solely on alignments of reads to a reference genome. This works well for simple variation like SNVs,…

  • [ Mon, November 20, 2017 ]Comparative Annotation Toolkit (CAT) – simultaneous annotation of related genomes

    Dissertation Defense – Ian Fiddes (BME) Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:30am – 2:30pm Pacific Time Location: BE-330, Engineering Abstract: The recent introductions of low-cost, long-read and read-set sequencing technologies coupled with intense efforts to develop efficient algorithms have made affordable, high-quality de-novo sequence assembly a realistic proposition. The result is an explosion of new, ultra…

  • [March 1] UCSC STEM Postdocs Association

    [March 1] UCSC STEM Postdocs Association

    3RD ANNUAL POSTDOC SYMPOSIUM March 1st, 2018, Seymour Marine Discovery Center [ Read More Info Here ]

  • Genetic effects on gene expression across human tissues

    Genetic effects on gene expression across human tissues

    GTEx Consortium, et al Nature 550, 204–213 (12 October 2017) Abstract Characterization of the molecular function of the human genome and its variation across individuals is essential for identifying the cellular mechanisms that underlie human genetic traits and diseases. The Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project aims to characterize variation in gene expression levels across individuals and diverse tissues of…

  • Bioinformatics leaders partner to build platform for NIH Data Commons

    Bioinformatics leaders partner to build platform for NIH Data Commons

    UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute, University of Chicago, and the Broad Institute will create the Commons Alliance Platform with funding from the National Institutes of Health November 06, 2017 By Tim Stephens The life sciences are in the midst of a data revolution. Technologies such as genome sequencing, gene-expression analysis, and high-resolution imaging are generating vast…

Last modified: Nov 29, 2017