Month: October 2018

  • Scientists look to map the genes of thousands of animals

    Scientists look to map the genes of thousands of animals

    AP News | Sep 13, 2018 | Patrick Whittle A group of scientists unveiled the first results Thursday of an ambitious effort to map the genes of tens of thousands of animal species, a project they said could help save animals from extinction down the line. The scientists are working with the Genome 10,000 consortium…

  • Sixteen diverse laboratory mouse reference genomes define strain-specific haplotypes and novel functional loci.

    Sixteen diverse laboratory mouse reference genomes define strain-specific haplotypes and novel functional loci.

    Article | Nature Genetics | Published: 01 October 2018 Jingtao Lilue, Anthony G. Doran, Ian T. Fiddes, Monica Abrudan, Joel Armstrong, Ruth Bennett, William Chow, Joanna Collins, Stephan Collins, Anne Czechanski, Petr Danecek, Mark Diekhans, Dirk-Dominik Dolle, Matt Dunn, Richard Durbin, Dent Earl, Anne Ferguson-Smith, Paul Flicek, Jonathan Flint, Adam Frankish, Beiyuan Fu, Mark Gerstein,…

  • Backgrounder: The 1985 Santa Cruz Workshop and the Origins of the Human Genome Project

    Backgrounder: The 1985 Santa Cruz Workshop and the Origins of the Human Genome Project

    Photo: A BBC crew films a documentary on the Genome Project in 1988. At left is Robert Sinsheimer, along with (left to right) biology professors Robert Edgar, Robert Ludwig and Harry Noller. Backgrounder: The 1985 Santa Cruz Workshop and the Origins of the Human Genome Project In 1984, Robert L. Sinsheimer, then chancellor of UC…

  • The Human Genome Initiative

    The Human Genome Initiative

    Nov. 1, 1991 | The FASEB Journal | Editorial Robert L. Sinsheimer Scientists, immersed in the day-to-day challenges of research, may sometimes overlook the larger significance of their enterprise. The Human Genome Initiative is an epic venture of discovery. This project – to reveal and map in nucleotide detail the biological inheritance of Homo sapiens…

  • Partnership Bolsters Childhood Cancer Research

    Partnership Bolsters Childhood Cancer Research

    Nationwide Children’s Hospital and UCSC Treehouse Scientists Embark on Genomic Data Sharing SANTA CRUZ, CA – October 16, 2018  – Last month, scientists from the UCSC-based Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative welcomed Dr. Elaine Mardis and other members of the Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Institute for Genomic Medicine (IGM) to the UC Santa Cruz campus to bolster…

  • GA4GH Holds Annual Event, Reports On Driver Projects

    GA4GH Holds Annual Event, Reports On Driver Projects

    Oct 5, 2018 | Bio-IT World Staff The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) held its annual event this week in Basel, Switzerland. Speakers presented the first set of deliverables developed under GA4GH Connect, the group’s 5-year strategic plan to enable real-world genomic data sharing by 2022, and opened the call for new GA4GH Driver…

  • Local group funds four UC Santa Cruz cancer researchers

    Local group funds four UC Santa Cruz cancer researchers

    The Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group continues its support for cancer research at UC Santa Cruz with new grants Oct 5, 2018 | Tim Stephens The Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group (SCCBG), a local charity supporting cancer research and patient care, has awarded three grants of $20,000 each for one-year cancer research projects at UC Santa…

Last modified: Aug 30, 2024