Month: November 2023
UCSC’s 2023 iGEM team grabs fourth consecutive gold medal and nomination for best software tool at international competition
A team of UC Santa Cruz students won a gold medal at the 2023 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Grand Jamboree, marking their fourth consecutive year of bringing home the prize, and were nominated as best software tool for the first time. The annual iGEM competition brings together student teams from around the world to…
New eDNA Explorer provides a powerful new resource for conservation
CALeDNA, a UC-wide consortium project to document California’s biodiversity, has launched a prototype of their new eDNA Explorer. This open-source tool provides a powerful and easily accessible platform for sharing, exploring, and analyzing data from projects that use environmental DNA.
Brain-inspired AI code library passes major milestone, new paper offers perspective on future of field
Four years ago, UC Santa Cruz’s Jason Eshraghian developed a Python library that combines neuroscience with artificial intelligence to create spiking neural networks, a machine learning method that takes inspiration from the brain’s ability to efficiently process data.
Detecting Cancer Early by Measuring RNA in the Blood
Genomics Institute affiliate Daniel Kim explains how markers in RNA can help create new tests for early cancer detection. Read in Scientific American. “Early detection of cancer has been shown to save lives,” says Daniel Kim. “And so we really want to be able to diagnose it early, before it spreads to other parts of…