Month: January 2025

  • Innovation Catalyst Grants propel research into real-world solutions

    Innovation Catalyst Grants propel research into real-world solutions

    Awardees include innovations in preclinical testing, drug discovery, and biosensors by Genomics Institute core member Mircea Teodorescu and affiliates Andy Yeh and Nader Pourmand.

  • New UCOP Grant to Explore Autism Spectrum Disorder Using 3D Brain Organoid Models

    New UCOP Grant to Explore Autism Spectrum Disorder Using 3D Brain Organoid Models

    The University of California’s Office of the President has awarded QB3 a $1.8 million grant by the to explore the origins of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The funds will support researchers in the “Braingeneers” group at UC Santa Cruz, UCSF, and UC Berkeley who will use brain organoids (3D models of neural networks grown from…

  • 25 years of the UCSC Genome Browser

    25 years of the UCSC Genome Browser

    When Katie Pollard first began working toward her Ph.D. in biostatistics at UC Berkeley in the late 90s, the human genome had not yet been sequenced. Then, on July 7, 2000, UC Santa Cruz published the HGCP’s first draft of a sequence online. Suddenly, a whole new field of genomics sprung into being. It was…

  • Genomic analysis reveals ritual sacrifice of close relatives in ancient Moche burial site

    Genomic analysis reveals ritual sacrifice of close relatives in ancient Moche burial site

    New research by UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute core member Lars Fehren-Schmitz reveals a startling discovery that the Moche people, who lived in Peru 1,500 years ago, sacrificed related family members, including adolescents, upon another family member’s death — the first time archaeologists had confirmed such intra-family sacrifice among the Moche people. “Most of what…

Last modified: Jan 29, 2025