Annual Report 2023-24
Executive Summary

As we enter into the next era with exponentially more powerful computational engines, born of advances in AI and computer hardware, the dominance of computing in the life sciences will only increase. We hope that you are as excited as we are for the opportunities that this opens up for applications in public health, conservation, and personalized medicine. Our institute is poised and eager to once again lead the charge.
– David Haussler
Scientific Director
UCSC Genomics Institute

Quick Numbers
In federal funding and state contracts
In foundation and gift funding
Research citations in 2023
Affiliate faculty
Unique mentoring/ training programs to reduce barriers to STEM
Species sequenced through the CA Conservation Genomics Project
Genes linked with neuropsychiatric disorders identified for study
Long-read sequences used to optimize sequencing methods
30 Million
New bases added to the human genome reference with the completion of the Y Chromosome (revealing 41 additional protein-coding regions!)

During my first year as Executive Director of the institute, I’ve been doing a lot of learning and listening, and I’ve come away with an overwhelming sense that this organization has reached an inflection point… In the next five years, we will grow in ways that I am sure will astound even those with their ears closest to the ground, with new work in applications for AI and machine learning, conservation, public health, disease treatment, diagnosis and prevention, and much more.
– Lauren Linton
Executive Director
UCSC Genomics Institute

Top Headlines

Community Outreach
We are committed to educating the next generation of scientists, and making sure that genomic research careers are accessible to everyone. Our training programs and outreach events provide pathways to majors such as bioinformatics and bioengineering, and will develop a more robust pipeline of diverse learners into our undergraduate majors.

Research Mentoring Internship

Bilingual Bioinformatics & Coding Short Course (Community College)

GREAT Summer Research Program (Undergraduate)

Bioinformatics Summer Bridge Program (Undergraduate)

Remote Project-Based Learning With Organoids (High School – Undergraduate)

Treehouse Undergraduate Bioinformatics Immersion

ASPIRE eDNA Program (Undergraduate)

UCSC XENA Mentorship (Undergraduate)

Research Training in Genomics

Priorities for 2024/25
As we approach the 25th anniversary of our participation in the Human Genome Project and our UCSC Genome Browser, we are entering a new chapter of genomics in which practical applications like clinical diagnostic sequencing, tracking dangerous pathogens in real time, and genetically altering species to resist climate change will become mainstream. Our goal as we enter into this new era is to lead our wide network of collaborators in transformational projects that will accelerate the implementation of genomics applications for a healthier world. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Completing our work to create a clinical diagnostic lab for pediatric cancer
- Creating tools to improve the diagnosis of cancer and rare disease, and assess the impact of specific gene variants on cancer risk
- Completing a new, more diverse genomic reference for genomic and biomedical research
- Continuing to work with government agencies to develop platforms that track viruses
- Creating brain organoids to explore the genetic origins of schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders
- Working with National Parks and conservationists to use eDNA data to document biodiversity and track invasive species
- Co-leading efforts to create reference genomes for all vertebrate species
- Developing new resources for the growing base of clinical users on our UCSC Genome Browser and other platforms
- Identifying genetic variations that could help species more quickly adapt to changing climates
- Harness the power of generative AI for the life sciences
- Expanding hands-on educational opportunities for the next generation of scientists
- Incorporating ELSI principles into everything we do


David Haussler
Scientific Director

Lauren Linton
Executive Director

Russ Corbett-Detig
Director for Pathogen Genomics

Lars Fehren-Shmitz
Director for Genomics and Society

Lars Fehren-Shmitz
Director for Genomics and Society

Karen Miga
Director for Human Pangenomics

Benedict Paten
Director for Computational Genomics

Sofie Salama
Faculty Director for Diversity, Director for Live Cell Technology

Beth Shapiro
Director for Conservation Genomics

Mircea Teodorescu
Director for Bioelectrical Engineering