Brave the Shave

Help us raise money for pediatric cancer research!
At our annual Brave the Shave fundraiser, volunteers pledge to shave their heads to encourage donations to pediatric cancer research. You can give a donation to sponsor one of our shavees by clicking on their participant’s name at the link below. Then, on May 4th at 3pm, join us at the Westside Research Park to cheer on our volunteers as they get their heads shaved!
Tentative Schedule:
3:00 – Opening remarks
3:30 – First shavee: Nilesh Negi
3:45 – Josh Goldford and Giordan Kitts
4:00 – Nicolette Hernandez- Kaempf and Bo Huey Chiang
4:15 – Paris Duarte-Trattner and Jeremy Sanford
4:30 – Rose Miyatsu and Ben Vizzier
Questions? Contact Rose Miyatsu for more information.
[button link=””] Donate Here[/button]

Meet Our Shavees

Click on each participant to visit their campaign page and help them reach their fundraising goals!


Ben Vizzier

Last modified: Mar 16, 2022