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Wednesday, April 10, 2019 | Kresge Town Hall | 5:30pm till 8:00pm | RSVP

Bryan Dewsbury will engage directly with students in how to be effective learners in
STEM courses, in order to support UC Santa Cruz students and faculty alike to address
equity and community-building in the curriculum. Dinner will be served. Please RSVP for
this event.

About the speaker: Bryan Dewsbury is Assistant Professor of
Marine Biology at the University of Rhode Island and the Principal
Investigator of the Science Education and Society
Research program. His work focuses on questions relating to
identity constructs, biases, relationships, and the effects of those
variables on student learning. His interest is in how students
(especially those in underrepresented groups) develop perceptions
of the world and others, and how those perceptions affect their engagement with
science content, career choices, and academic performance. Central to the formation of
these constructs are the presence of hidden biases, stereotype threat, and mindset.
Bryan’s work addresses the pressing issues of our time, such as student retention in
STEM fields, under-representation of minority groups in certain STEM fields, and the
role of affect domain in student learning gains.

Co-sponsored by the Academic Excellence Program (ACE), Baskin School of
Engineering, Division of Student Success, First-Gen Initiative, Genomics Institute Office
of Diversity, Learning Support Services (LSS), Poodry Diversity, SACNAS Chapter, and STEM Diversity Programs.


Last modified: Mar 16, 2019