Environment x Everything Interactions: From Protein Evolution to Epidemic Dynamics & Beyond

In this seminar, C. Brandon Ogbunu will discuss how an appreciation for environmental interactions in complex systems manifests across my research program. To highlight this, he will focus on two main areas: (1) evolutionary dynamics in antibiotic resistance, and (2) the ecological determinants driving transmission in modern epidemics. In closing, he will outline future directions in my quest to understand how the environment crafts complex systems, which includes work in the scientific communication, health justice, and storytelling spaces.
All are welcome to join us for this Pathways to Careers in Genomics winter quarter Invited talk. Discussion and refreshments to follow the talk.
To accommodate a disability, please contact the Genomics Institute at GI.AdminSupport@ucsc.edu, 831-459-1477.
Zoom Information: https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/94481186510?pwd=am8xSjkyTVpTdWhZQjhTN1BQK0djZz09&fbclid=IwAR21QwKBfQUPZAkOLkSPWKpdtfrwGBnQ7UMFW3AT9C15soFYCFY3rtvrBoY

Last modified: Feb 01, 2021