User-Centered Design at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute

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Mary Goldman, Design and Outreach Engineer

UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute

Wednesday, June 26 2-3pm E2 599

Attend using video conference:

User-Centered Design (UCD) is design based upon an explicit understanding of users, tasks, and environments, and is driven and refined by iterative user-centered evaluation. While UCD increases the number of users and their satisfaction with a tool, UCD also can reduce development costs/time and effort required for user support and documentation.


This talk will be an overview of UCD, including common practices, as well as examples of how it is currently being applied within the Genomics Institute, specifically on the Xena, BRCA Exchange, and HCA projects.


Attendees will leave with an understanding of UCD, ideas of how it might be applied to their own work, and knowledge of resources at the Genomics Institute that can support them.



Mary Goldman is a Design and Outreach Engineer at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute. She has been working in genomics for six years, both for the UCSC Genome Browser and the UCSC cancer research group. She designs and prototypes new software tools for genomics research in addition to managing communication with the scientific community, including conducting instructional workshops. Her work includes the UCSC Xena platform, a functional genomics browser that allows researchers to view their private data with data from large consortiums, like TCGA, in a secure, federated manner. She also works on the BRCA Challenge to responsibly share breast cancer data on BRCA1/2 variants, a driver project for the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) and the Big Data to Knowledge program (BD2K).


To accommodate a disability, please contact Ben Coffey at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute (, 831-459-1477).


Last modified: Jun 18, 2019