What Makes Us Human?

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What Makes Us Human: An Art + Genomics Convergence

Location: Sesnon Gallery, UC Santa Cruz

Launching November 12, 2020 Exhibition available online from 11/12/20–6/30/21 at whatmakesushuman.org

This English-language version of the virtual exhibit first went live in Nov. 2020, with an opening featuring a panel discussion with artists Angélica Dass and Gina Czarnecki from Spain and the UK, and David Haussler, Scientific Director of the Genomics Institute at UC Santa Cruz; moderated by curator Jennifer Parker, and Isabel Bjork, Executive Director of the Genomics Institute, with Shelby Graham, Sesnon Gallery Director. Thanks to Universidad Complutense de Madrid!, you can also see the exhibit in Spanish here: https://www.ucm.es/ar-te-co/what-makes-us-human/


Last modified: Jun 02, 2021