Diversity Committee
Read about our Background & Mission
The UCSC Genomics Institute Diversity Committee was formed in June 2020 to critically assess the practices, research ethics, and culture of the Genomics Institute, and to develop recommendations for strategic actions that minimize bias and foster the creation of a more diverse and inclusive organization.
The committee is composed of faculty, administrative and research staff, post-docs, graduate students, and undergraduate students. We meet biweekly throughout the year to discuss emerging and ongoing issues around diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community; develop and/or support new initiatives that promote our ideals; and develop programming tailored to both the Genomics Institute and the broader community. Our role is to work collaboratively with GI and campus partners toward these goals.
Why DEI is important for the Genomics Institute
- The people who make up the GI are our greatest asset. We need to ensure that underrepresented members of our community feel respected and valued.
- By prioritizing equity and inclusion we create an environment that attracts and retains a diverse membership.
- When people from different backgrounds come together, they create vibrant spaces, which has been shown to enhance creativity at the team-level and improve innovation.
- Genomics research has a history of systemic racism and bias. As leaders in the field, we have a responsibility to dismantle this legacy and try to eliminate systemic racism and bias and promote social justice wherever possible.
Read about our Charter
Composition: The committee will be led by the GI Faculty Director of Diversity. This leadership role is supported by an executive committee that is made up of the GI Office of Diversity Director and the Assistant Director of Communications. This executive committee reports directly to the Genomic Institute’s Executive Director. The remainder of the committee will be made up of a rotating group of up to two faculty, two administrative staff, two technical staff, two postdocs, two graduate students, and two undergraduates. Members self-nominate during an open call to the Genomics Institute community and are selected by current members of the committee. You can see our current and former members below
Appointment duration: We ask that committee members who are permanent staff and faculty try to serve a two year term and trainees (undergraduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers) try to serve for one year. Renewals are welcome.
Compensation: For positions that do not include service work as a regular part of their job duties (postdocs, graduate students and undergraduates), we offer a fellowship for each quarter of $250, which reflects one hour of service per week.
The purpose of this committee is to do the following:
- Propose policy, procedure, and funding changes the Institute can make to eliminate the structural and systemic biases that affect our community and to promote diversity, equity, and the inclusion of all members of our community. Examples may include tracking demographics, hosting community talks, and promoting inclusive hiring, among other tasks.
- Help identify situations where the current resources are falling short and advocate to relevant campus entities and stakeholders.
- Encourage and compensate active efforts that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community, such as promoting DEI performance evaluation goal-setting and offering DEI Action Awards.
- Secure funding for and organize events and programs that amplify diverse voices and expand training opportunities for historically underserved members of our community, such as bioinformatics short courses and seminars.
- Serve as a central point of coordination when the institute is responding to issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as when it is advocating for or working with other campus units to eliminate systemic biases.
- Communicate our goals and progress to the Genomics Institute community on a regular basis.
- Promote a culture of inclusion.
Read about our Progress
In our last three years, we have:
- Met with GI leadership to set out DEI priorities for the Genomics Institute and secured funding to work towards these priorities.
- Organized a four-week long bioinformatics programming course in 2021 (the UCSC Bioinformatics & Coding Short Course or “BCSC”) to meet the needs of students without prior programming experience, who have been underserved by existing GI programs. Half of all enrolled students were community college students. We secured funding to create four $1K need-based scholarships to provide financial support for students participating in the course. This course has continued annually.
- Developed a best practice policy for managers to request actionable goals that promote DEI in their staffs’ annual reviews and achieved a 61% staff participation rate in 2021.
- Initiated an annual DEI Action Award for the GI community beginning in 2021. To date, we have awarded eight members of our community that have shown exceptional contributions to prompting DEI efforts.
- Held two annual half-day symposiums on advancing anti-racist practices in genomics research and expanding our conceptions of who “belongs” as a scientist. These symposiums were very well received in 2023 and 2024 and made space for important conversations about justice, equity, and inclusion.
- Started the Secret Society of Mentors program to support graduate students, postdocs and staff who mentor undergraduate researchers.
- Supported and expanded the Student Support Network that pairs first and second year STEM graduate students with senior graduate students for 1:1 and group activities to increase a sense of belonging and help with the “hidden curriculum” of graduate school.
Contact Us
Email: genomics-diversity-committee-group@ucsc.edu
Marina Ramon
Director of Diversity
Sofie Salama
Faculty Director of Diversity
Rose Miyatsu
Assistant Director of Communications
Nadine Gassner
Director of Research Development
Selam Mehreteab
Undergraduate Researcher
Aide Macias-Muñoz
Assistant PI, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Clayton Fisher
Senior Project Manager & Engineering Manager, Genome Browser
Christopher Lee
Software Engineer
Carol Greider
Affiliated Faculty
Estefania Sanchez-Vasquez
Postdoctoral Researcher
Krizia Chambers
Graduate Researcher
Megha Srigyan
Graduate Researcher
Sasha River Santilla
Undergraduate Researcher
Brock Wooldridge
Postdoctoral Researcher
Zia Isola, Former Director of Diversity
Angela Brooks, Faculty, Former Director
Erik Enbody, Postdoctoral Researcher
Claudia Paz, Staff
Cynthia Ramirez, Graduate Researcher
Alexis Morgan, Staff
Jen Quick-Cleveland, Postdoc
Carlos Arevalo, Undergraduate Student
Serafina Nieves, Undergraduate Student
Alexis Thornton, Graduate Student
Susan Carpenter, Faculty
Rosa Sanchez, Undergraduate Student
Isabel Bjork, Former Executive Director
Beth Sheets, Staff
Niki Thomas, Graduate Student
Kiana Imani, Undergraduate Student
Roman Reggiardo, Graduate Student
Sarah Xia, Undergraduate Student
Adam Novak, Staff
Katrina Learned, Staff