Tuesday, August 29, 2017 – Friday, September 1, 2017
Earlham Institute, Norwich, UK
Our 2017 Genome 10K and Genome Science conference will explore critical topics essential for assembling a genomic zoo of some 10,000 vertebrate species to help understand how complex animal life evolved through changes in DNA and use this knowledge to become better stewards of the planet.
Founded in 2011 by the UK Next Generation Sequencing DeepSeq facility at the University of Nottingham, Genome Science is the UK’s largest conference centered on genomics, genomic technologies and computational biology. The conference provides a unique opportunity for both academia and industry to share their expertise, innovations and challenges in global genomics research data and cutting edge technologies.
The growing Genome 10K Community of Scientists (G10KCOS), made up of leading scientists representing major zoos, museums, research centers, and universities around the world, is dedicated to coordinating efforts in a major tissue specimen collection that will lay the groundwork for a large-scale sequencing and analysis project.
The Genome 10K Project was founded by David Haussler, Oliver Ryder, and Stephen O’Brien, who launched the project in April 2009 at a three-day meeting at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Registration opens February 1, 2017
Please contact Federica Di Palma for more details.