Bio-Inspired Innovation Unleashed

Jan. 23, 2018
We are entering what is called the 6th mass extinction of life on our planet. At the same time, we are rapidly gaining an understanding of the potential held in biodiversity. Learn how efforts to sequence all known plants and animals in the next decade are laying the foundation for a new wave of innovation. Dr. Harris Lewin, Vice Chancellor for Research, Professor of Evolution and Ecology at the University of California, Davis presents at a Bio-Inspired Innovation session at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018 in Davos last week where he, Juan Carlos Castilla Rubio and colleagues launched the partnership between the Earth BioGenome Project, the Earth Bank of Codes ( and the World Economic Forum. The partnership will focus first in executing a joint roadmap in the Amazon Basin through the Amazon Bank of Codes before replicating and scaling across other key biomes on land and in the oceans. Watch the presentation:

Last modified: Feb 01, 2018