UCSC | May 10, 2019 | Scott Rappaport
What role should thinking about the far future—1,000 years ahead and beyond—play in research on campus?
That’s the key question that will be discussed in Ethics and the Far Future, the first UC Santa Cruz Faculty Ethics Bowl, set to take place on May 20 at the University Center’s Bhojwani Room.
Professors David Haussler (The Genomics Institute), Sandra Faber (Astronomy & Astrophysics), and Anthony Aguirre (Physics), will face off with Pranav Anand (Linguistics), Sylvanna Falcón (Latin American and Latino Studies), and Nico Orlandi (Philosophy) to debate how much of our time and resources, if any, should be put into thinking about the far future.
But this won’t be your ordinary run-of-the-mill debate. Ethics Bowl is very different from traditional debate formats. The teams are docked for using rhetoric, spin, aggression, and clever rationalization. Instead, each team is judged on the basis of active listening, flexibility, collaboration, and analytical rigor—essential ingredients for a meaningful discussion on difficult topics.