Genome Traces, Beavers and Wildfire, Halloween DIY, Volcanoes. Oct 22, 2021, Part 2

The Ancient Neanderthal Traces Hidden In Your Genome
October 22, 2021 | Science Friday
Just how much of your genome is uniquely human? It turns out the number of genetic components in the human genome that trace back only to modern humans, and not to other human lineages or ancient ancestors, are surprisingly small. In a paper published recently in the journal Science Advances, researchers estimate the uniquely human portion of the genome as being under two percent.
In “The Ancient Neanderthal Traces Hidden In Your Genome” you’ll hear from Ed Green, who is Institute affiliated faculty, professor of biomolecular engineering at the University of California Santa Cruz and one of the authors of that paper, as he joins SciFri’s Charles Bergquist to talk about the study, and what can be learned by this approach to studying our genetic code.

Last modified: Nov 17, 2021