RMI Spotlight: Kevin Ton

headshot of Kevin Ton

My experience with RMI started out rocky since I was really struggling to get into a lab and overall finding time to be more involved with the program. However, after I joined a lab all thanks to RMI for putting in a good word for me, which makes me stand out from other applicants; I really don’t think I could’ve joined a lab without being an RMI scholar. 

What was your favorite memory in your RMI cohort?

My favorite memory of my RMI cohort was the slow and steady relationship-building with everyone. I remember the first meeting being awkward and later gradually becoming friends and close acquaintances with one another in future meetings. 

Now that you have graduated from RMI, can you tell us about your next steps?

My next step is to take a year off to get some work experience in the biotech industry since I’ve only had an academic experience so far and plan my next step in applying to grad school.

Last modified: Aug 15, 2024