RMI Scholars

headshot of Etenesh Abebe

Cornejo Villa Oscar Headshot

headshot of Eymi McDaniel

headshot of Syniah Nevils

headshot of Selam Mehreteab

headshot of Bhavna Mahi

headshot of Itzel Pedraza

headshot of Mayra Moreno Alvarez

headshot of Lizah Chavez

headshot of Vladimir Luna Gomez
headshot of Kelly Leighton

headshot of Alexa Mozqueda

headshot of Darlene Mendoza

Headshot of Francisco

Headshot of Jason

Headshot of Scarlett

Alumni RMI Scholars

2024-2021 Scholars
headshot of Cherre Bull

Eduardo Garcia headshot

headshot of Kevin Ton

headshot of Amy Li

headshot of Sky Gomez
headshot of Sophia Moreno
headshot of Ron Barulich

headshot of Eduardo Del Rio

headshot of Kiki Galvez

headshot of Rakshya Sharma

headshot Cristina Vargas Vasquez

headshot of Jovan Morales Hurtado

headshot of Randy Cabrera

headshot of Beza Abesha

headshot of Rosa Sanchez

headshot of Lucy Zheng

headshot of Milagros Rivera

headshot of Diana Reyna

headshot of Daniel Lozano

headshot of Matthew Loven

headshot of Aisha Lakshman

headshot of Ruby Guevara

headshot of Melica Baboldashtian

headshot of Laya Ashley

headshot of Darhien Gaddis

headshot of Sara Amirkiai

headshot of Gifti Gemeda

headshot of Juliana Limon

headshot of Linh Thuy Nguyen

headshot of Carlos Arevalo

2020 – 2016 Scholars
headshot of Pablo Alvarez

headshot of Ikenna Anigbogu

headshot of Kavya Aswadhati

headshot of Sydney Renee Fregoso

headshot of Patrick Fuller

headshot of Alinne Gonzalez Armenta

headshot of Azuah Gonzalez

headshot of Alexander Hoefler

headshot of Vanessa Howland

headshot of Preet Kaur

headshot of Began Nguy

headshot of Taylor Real

headshot of Stefanie Brizuela

headshot of Jackie Roger


headshot of Paola Angulo

headshot of Lourdes Gomez

headshot of Dante Moreno

headshot of Manuel Varela

headshot of Sascha Zepeda

headshot of Adrian Salguero

headshot of Maelia Uy-Gomez

headshot of Selam Gebremedhin

headshot of Yulia Zybina

headshot of Victoria Serrano

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headshot of Jessica Arozqueta

headshot of Melawit Tekeste

headshot of Chelsea Stewart

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headshot of Kevyn Hart

headshot of Du Linh Lam

2015 – 2011 Scholars
headshot of Parisa Nejad

headshot of Natalia Herrera

headshot of Layla Cervantes
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Layla Cervantes studied how the beta-lactamase protein evolves in E. coli cells under antibiotic (cefotaxmine) selection. She identified how starting mutations condition subsequent mutational trajectories and more generally how individual mutations interact with each other phenotypically. She then subjects the bacteria to cefotaxmine to cause another mutation that increases resistance to this antibiotic. This will allow her to obtain combinations of mutations contributing positively to cefotaxmine resistance. Cervantes also studied how modulating the fidelity of replication affects beta-lactamase’s ability to evolve cefotaxmine-resistant mutants. She will be comparing side-by-side libraries generated by polymerases having different mutation frequency and spectrum, and she will compare the frequency and type of cefotaxmine-resistant mutants after parallel selection of the two libraries. Her work will elucidate how new biochemical activities evolve and provide the tools to anticipate the outcome of complex mutations. December 8, 2014: CONGRATULATIONS Layla who has received a $1500 Undergraduate Research Award from the Sciences Awards Division of UCSC. Layla plans to use the award to present her work at the 2015 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM in Washington, D.C.

headshot of Sandrine Kyane
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Gliomas are the most common malignant brain tumors diagnosed in the United States, and they are often incurable using available treatment options. While grade 2 and grade 3 gliomas are known to be associated with mutations in genes IDH1 and ATRX, the exact tumorigenic mechanisms of these mutations are unknown. Sandrine’s project will involve using the recently described CRISPR-Cas9 system to introduce IDH1 and ATRX mutations into human embryonic stem cells. In particular, she will work on constructing and testing special guide RNAs that will ensure the mutations are introduced at the sites of interest. Successful generation of embryonic stem cell lines carrying glioma mutations would provide an invaluable model system to study glioma development in the laboratory and develop new therapies for the disease.

headshot of Eric Curiel Lares
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He uses the UCSC Genome Browser to compare the complete genomes of nine sea urchins and search for patterns of duplication (paralogs) in innate immunity genes. Lares found that the majority of innate immunity genes contained paralogs in all species, suggesting a rapid rate of new gene formation. He then used a phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood (PAML) program to test for signs of positive natural selection in single-copy innate immunity genes. Tests for positive selection were significant at roughly a third of the genes examined. Lares’s results are consistent with those of earlier studies in drosophila where innate immunity genes demonstrated rapid diversification and evolution through antagonistic host-parasite co-evolutionary interactions.

headshot of Jordan Hughey

headshot of Gerardo Perez
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To date, no vaccine has shown this. Broadly neutralizing antibodies are antibodies capable of blocking infection from a wide variety of clinical isolates. PG9 is a broadly neutralizing antibody that targets the V1/V2 region of the HIV gp120. Gerardo’s project involves Structure-focused vaccine design of the V1/V2 region of gp120. The goal is to engineer a scaffold to fold like the native structure in the gp120 and stabilizing the β -hairpin leading to Mannose 5 at N160. This involves making mutations to V1/V2 scaffolds in variety of clades to optimize PG9 binding. Ultimately, these scaffolds could possibly be used in immunizations.

headshot of Elvira Contreras

headshot of Geoffrey Slaughter
headshot of Britney Martinez
headshot of Cynthia Smith
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Drug resistance limits use of antiretroviral drug treatment for patients infected with HIV, primarily drugs that inhibit reverse transcriptase (RT). Cynthia’s project focused on the mechanisms by which RT functions in HIV to understand how replication fidelity impacts viral fitness and determine the frequency of selected mutations generated by HIV wild-type and variant polymerases. She used an E. coli in vivo model and direct sequencing to generate a distinct replication and mutation footprint for each polymerase. Determining distinct replication mechanisms and patterns will help predict the risk for developing resistance to additional drugs and understand how these mutations increase persistence.

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Alex is currently designing and engineering a device that will simplify the immobilization of specific receptor molecules on a magnetic chip. The magnetic chip’s system is based on GMR (Giant Magnetic Sensor), and with the help of paramagnetic nanobeads, one can detect the presence of a specific protein/molecule. Ideally, we would test and detect multiplex proteins on a single chip by transferring a solution to a specific region on the sensor array. However, the current method is rather challenging and inefficient. With the help of this device, researchers will be able to detect multiplex proteins more efficiently and accurately. Read about Alex’s project at the Harvard-MIT Broad Institute Summer Research Program in Genomics. View Alex’s ISMB 2014 Poster presentation Investigating large sequence variants in drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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copy of Santiago Salazar
headshot of Rene Moreno
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Rene worked on two projects. The first focused on creating a bio-sensor for arsenic in collaboration with UCSC adjunct professor Dr. Dominik Rabus (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). The bio-sensor will serve as a microbial sensor in which arsenic in found in-front of a green fluorescence protein, which can be used to detect arsenic more efficiently using fluorescence. Rene’s contribution to the  project was to help determine how robust the bio-sensor strain is at detecting different arsenic concentrations and how accurately it can be read by fluorescence and optical density. The second project consisted of engineering a more proficient strain that contains the arsenic genome, by inserting a green fluorescent protein element into a region of the genome that regulates arsenic. The approach was to develop a molecular approach such as polymerase chain reaction and genome sequencing to determine where the green fluorescence protein is inserted. Once the arsenic bio-sensor is successful, the Saltikov Lab plans to develop bio-sensors for other metals. Moreno graduated in June 2011 and is currently working as a program coordinator at the SACNAS main office, in Santa Cruz, CA, and applying to graduate programs.

2010 – 2004 Scholars
headshot of Katrina Luna
headshot of Jose Loza
headsot of Claudia Mariella

headshot of Christopher Robles
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headshot of Christine Sinclair
headshot of Nicole Milner
headshot of Nicole Coppage
headshot of Tiffany Lopes

headshot of Busola Oluwole
headshot of Shewit Tekeste
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Tekeste worked to understand a critical step in the process where information in DNA is read and then used in cells. The step is called pre-mRNA splicing, and errors in this process are responsible for a large number of human genetic diseases. Shewit focused on the structural analysis of an early phase of the spliceosome, called E complex.

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headshot of Emily Berry
headshot of Alexander John Yambao
headshot of Edward Cabral
headshot of Matt Riese
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Riese outlined the debate now raging in academic circles as to whether race is a scientifically valid descriptor of humans or simply an arbitrary social label. He described a range of issues related to understanding race from both ethno-cultural and scientific vantage points. He laid out the dangers of relying on race to categorize people for medical and social purposes and argues that while humans may fall into “races” that are at least somewhat biologically dissimilar, we must make sure this information is used only to benefit people.

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headshot of Oscar Hernandez
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She also explored the issues of DNA ownership and genetic privacy. In the age of computers, she looked at legislative solutions to the question “do we want the government to have our genome?”

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In her first paper, “Genetic modification and  egalitarianism: distinguish and distribute,” Lopez illustrated the difference between “preventative” gene therapy and “enhancement” gene therapy. She described the threat genetic engineering poses in a society with an unequal distribution of health care. In her second paper, “Three types of cloning and the necessity to regulate,” Lopez defined and evaluated DNA cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. She referred to current legislation in the US and examines the results of the California Advisory Committee of Human Cloning.

hedshot of Alexis Rojas
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In his first paper, “Future consequences for potential persons and our parental obligations regarding human germline engineering,” Rojas argued for the therapeutic use of genetic engineering while evaluating a broad range of possible applications and concerns. In this paper he examined parents’ responsibilities to their children in an age of germline engineering. In his second paper, “Somatic cell gene therapy: a leap in technology and reassessment of values,” Rojas compared somatic cell gene therapy with traditional medicine in order to dispel fears and examine the present values and definitions of “healthy.”

headshot of Marcia Soriano
Former Graduate RMI Scholars

An RMI Graduate fellowship for genomics scholars was offered in years past, but funding for the 2017-2018 academic year was discontinued*

headshot of Terrill Yazzie

headshot of Jessica Morgan
headshot of Martha Arciniega
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Arciniega studied sea otters, Enhydra lutris ssp, known as a “keystone species” because they have a strong influence on diversity of near-shore marine communities. Unfortunately, sea otters were hunted almost to extinction and population sizes have dramatically decreased in the past 50 years. Information about the amount and distribution of genetic variation is vital for implementing effective conservation efforts. Martha’s project involves adding variable markers to the microsatellites already in use for sea otters. Microsatellites–DNA sequences that include tandem-repeated base pairs–are used to determine the relatedness between individuals and among populations. Microsatellites can provide information about population history, genetic drift, mate choice and migration. This project will provide enough statistical power to reconstruct pedigrees and investigate levels of differentiation between otter populations in California, Alaska and Russia. The pedigrees will show the lineages of sea otters that are closely related or part of the same family. A more complete knowledge regarding otter pedigrees will help marine scientists understand patterns of dispersal as well as past historical demography. 

In Fall 2015 and Winter 2016, she worked on a project, “Parallel  evolution & adaptive genomics of the steelhead summer ‘ecotype’ in multiple populations in Oregon and California.

headshot of Javier Morales
headshot of Rigo Dicochea
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Dicochea examined how architectural modifications to a general purpose processor design can increase the computational performance of current genome sequencing algorithms. Scientific applications such as those necessary in the genomic sciences are heavily data parallel. Thus, the issues addressed in the design of a CPU for scientific applications must take into account additional parameters above what is specified for a general purpose processor. Rigo’s research project seeks to explore those parameters. His goal is the design and fabrication of a microprocessor architecture aimed at providing very high computational performance on very large genomic data sets. He also hopes to introduce a new suite of benchmarks to the computer architecture community that will enable researchers to quantify the performance of genomic applications on their processor designs.

In Fall 2015 and Winter 2016, she worked on a project, “Parallel  evolution & adaptive genomics of the steelhead summer ‘ecotype’ in multiple populations in Oregon and California.

headshot of Pamela Ruth Tilus Watson
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Pamela studies a key component of the molecular mechanism whereby arsenic, a naturally occurring toxic metal, leaches into drinking water aquifers. Arsenic contaminated drinking water is tasteless and odorless, and therefore hard to detect. Arsenic gets into the natural water system because in natural sediments low in oxygen and rich in arsenic and carbon, microbes generate energy by reducing arsenic instead of oxygen during cellular respiration. The reduced form of arsenic is water soluble, and thus can seep into drinking water aquifers. Pamela’s research aims at understanding exactly which aspects of microbial respiration impact the mobilization of this toxin.

In Fall 2015 and Winter 2016, she worked on a project, “Parallel  evolution & adaptive genomics of the steelhead summer ‘ecotype’ in multiple populations in Oregon and California.

headshot of Walter Adams
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All three human pathogenic Yersinia species, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, and Y. pestis utilize a needle-like apparatus called a type three secretion system (T3SS) that is required for virulence. The T3SS forms a pore in the membrane of host cells and injects Yersinia effector proteins into the host cell cytoplasm. Once inside the host cell, these effector proteins disrupt the host immune response to Yersinia infection. YopD is a T3SS translocator protein involved in the post-transcriptional regulation of yop synthesis and pore formation in host cell membranes, both of which are directly linked to the effective translocation of effector proteins into the host cell cytosol. Groups have identified and described several discrete functional domains on YopD that are involved in chaperone binding, membrane interactions, and the translocation of Yersinia effector proteins. Despite these efforts, the central region of YopD between amino acids 150-227 (YopD150-227) remains largely uncharacterized. Walter’s research aims to identify the role that YopD150-227 plays in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection. Understanding the function of this domain will generate a more comprehensive picture of YopD in the context of Yersinia virulence and host-pathogen interactions.

In Fall 2015 and Winter 2016, she worked on a project, “Parallel  evolution & adaptive genomics of the steelhead summer ‘ecotype’ in multiple populations in Oregon and California.

headshot of Janine Llagan
headshotof Daniel Garalde
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Through his unique, interdisciplinary research, Geralde developed new nanopore-based technology for sequencing DNA and RNA. He focused on addressing weaknesses in current alpha-hemolysin-based sensor technology developed at UCSC to improve its effectiveness. You can read about his research in a 2011 paper that he co-authored with other members of his research team: “Distinct complexes of DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment) for base and sugar discrimination during nucleotide substrate selection”. Garalde received his Ph.D. in 2011 and now works as a research scientist at Oxford Nanopore Technologies in Oxford, UK.

In Fall 2015 and Winter 2016, she worked on a project, “Parallel  evolution & adaptive genomics of the steelhead summer ‘ecotype’ in multiple populations in Oregon and California.

headshot of Monica Lares
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Lares studied a novel RNA gene occurring in a segment of the human genome that has evolved with surprising rapidity between the chimpanzee and the human genomes. She used x-ray crystallography to investigate the structure and possible function of this RNA gene.

In Fall 2015 and Winter 2016, she worked on a project, “Parallel  evolution & adaptive genomics of the steelhead summer ‘ecotype’ in multiple populations in Oregon and California.

headshot of MaryAnn Dassah
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Dassah worked on the mechanism for pre-mRNA splicing. Almost all higher eukaryotic mRNA molecules give correct genetic information only after the introns (non-coding regions) are spliced out of the RNA and the exons (protein-coding regions) are joined in the cell nucleus. Many heredetary diseases are caused by disorders in the splicing process.

In Fall 2015 and Winter 2016, she worked on a project, “Parallel  evolution & adaptive genomics of the steelhead summer ‘ecotype’ in multiple populations in Oregon and California.

headshot of Gabirel Roybal
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Gabriel’s project focused on investigating how our cells process genetic information. He used small molecule inhibitors of pre-mRNA splicing as tools to isolate and study the human spliceosome.  In particular, he worked with the small molecule known as Spliceostatin A to investigate the role of SF3b protein during the later stages of spliceosome assembly.  This work will be crucial to understand the mechanism and structure of the spliceosome.

Update: Gabe received his PhD in 2010, and is currently a post doctoral researcher UC San Francisco in the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research Center. His research focuses on studying the mechanisms that regulate the epigenetic landscape of adult neural stem cells. Congratulations, Dr. Roybal!

headshot of Brandon Saint John
headshot of Prestina Smith
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Tissues are distinctly engineered to carry out a given function. The breast (or murine mammary gland) is an example of this, forming a network of bi-layered ducts that terminate in alveoli formed during pregnancy. These specialized structures have an outer layer of myoepithelial cells that will contract during lactation to squeeze milk from an inner layer of polarized epithelial cells. In order to generate this system of ducts, the mammary gland undergoes growth by branching; therefore, mechanisms involved in branch formation define mammary architecture. Diseases, such as breast cancer, often result in highly unorganized tissues; therefore, understanding the genes that regulate the overall architecture of the mammary gland could aid in understanding breast cancer pathology and identify potential therapeutic targets. Recent studies have identified genes involved in establishing proximal-distal (planar) polarity in epithelial cells as regulators of branching morphogenesis, however the mechanism of their action is currently unknown. Prestina’s project aims to understand how the core planar cell polarity (PCP) gene Vangl2 regulates branching in the mammary gland by investigating changes in mammary morphology in Vangl2 mutant mice, identifying regulators of Vangl2 and determining how VANGL2 cooperates with other PCP proteins to promote mammary development. Smith’s studies will provide insight into the mechanisms that function to establish the architecture of the mammary gland and elucidate a novel role for planar cell polarity in tissue morphogenesis.

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Soriano worked on developing a program to evaluate the output of various computer algorithms for predicting local protein structure.

Richard’s research focuses on how early life manganese exposure disrupts DNA methylation patterns in dopamine receptor genes, which alters prefrontal cortex dopamine function and ultimately leads to deficits in attention. He aims to determine the mechanistic basis for how oxidative stress may alter a gene’s DNA methylation “blueprint” to cause altered protein expression. These DNA changes can be heritable, and this mechanism can span a wide range of fields such as environmental toxicology, nature, and nutrition.

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In the fall of 2012 Joe received the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award. Congratulations, Joe!
Telomerase is an essential eukaryotic enzyme that extends the ends of chromosomes. This enzyme is of particularly interest to the cancer field as telomerase hyperactivity is associated with over 90% of all cancers. Similarly, telomerase over-expression in normal cells has been shown to increase the lifespan of yeast and rats by up to 20% without an increase in cancer occurrence. Although many researchers have studied telomerase at a biochemical level, the detailed telomerase mechanism and structural features of the enzyme remains unclear due to the lack of a complete crystal structure. In order to dissect the structure and function of telomerase components, Joe will study individual molecules and their structural dynamics using single molecule FRET. Through real-time observation of telomerase internal dynamics, he hopes to gain direct insight into the function of telomerase sub-domains.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Feb 1;41(4):2746-55. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks1341. Epub 2013 Jan 8.
Mechanical unfolding of human telomere G-quadruplex DNA probed by integrated fluorescence and magnetic tweezers spectroscopy. Long X, Parks JW, Bagshaw CR, Stone MD.
PMID: 23303789 Free PMC Article
2. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Oct;130(4):739-46. PMID: 23018685
Human acellular dermis versus no acellular dermis in tissue expansion breast reconstruction.
Parks JW, Hammond SE, Walsh WA, Adams RL, Chandler RG, Luce EA.

headshot of Margarita Gonzalez
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Margarita utilized photoactive metal complexes that deliver nitric oxide (NO) to DNA bases and eventually to selected oligonucleotides. Because DNA damage is a hallmark of programmed cell death or apoptosis, their group is interested in the interaction between NO and other reactive nitrogen species with specific nucleobases. She uses HPLC techniques and UV-Vis spectroscopy in characterizing the initial products of NO-mediated DNA damage.

In the spring of 2011 she published a paper on an additional research project that investigated the physiological roles of carbon monoxide (CO) in neurotransmission,vasorelaxation, and cytoprotective activities.
Inorganic Chemistry 2011, 50(7), 3127-3134. Link: https://doi.org/10.1021/ic2000848

Update: In August of 2013, Margaria completed all the requirements of her graduate research training and filed her dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Gonzales!

headshot of Hector Macias
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Hector’s research focused on developing therapeutic strategies for diagnosing and treating breast cancer.

Update: Hector received his Ph.D. in 2010 and is currently a post doctoral researcher in the Michael German lab at the University of California, San Francisco. The German lab is interested in identifying genetic factors that influence diabetes by identifyingthe genes that regulate the transition of stem cells to mature pancreatic beta-cells. Pancreatic beta-cells are the body’s sole provider of insulin. By understanding the role of these factors inbeta-cell production the German research team is developing novel strategies for curing diabetes. Congratulations, Dr. Macias! We look forward to your future contributions to biomedical science.

headshot of Josue Samayoa
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With Carol Rohl, Samayoa worked to expand and improve modeling methods for predicting 3-dimensional protein structure. The project is called, “Homology-based modeling with Rosetta and NMR data.” He then participated in an interdisciplinary projects with advisors Kevin Karplus and Fitnat Yildiz: “A bioinformatic analysis of simple repeats and small proteins in Vibrio cholerae El Tor.”

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headshot of Edward Olano
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Olano worked on developing an immunoassay for prostate-specific antigen and also designing a biomarker using quantum dots for detecting ovarian cancer. Both assays employed a spectrophotometric technique called surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS).

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The ion channel is used to capture and examine one molecule of DNA at a time. The interaction of double-stranded DNA or single-stranded DNA with the channel can readily be observed via changes in an electrical current through the channel. De Guzman observes and studies double-stranded-DNA ends fraying and reforming in a channel—an important step in biological processes. In HIV infection, for example, DNA fraying is necessary for HIV DNA to be spliced into human host DNA.

LEARN MORE about the Nanopore Project at UC Santa Cruz

headshot of David Balderas
headshot of Jamie Hernandez
headshot of Angel Resendez
headshot of Tara deBoer
headshot of Andrew Knutson
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Andrew uses the nematode C. elegans as a model to study the role of the SUMOylation pathway in preventing somatic cells (e.g., muscle, neurons, intestine) from acquiring germ cell (eggs and sperm) characteristics. Germ cells and somatic cells are fundamentally different: while somatic cells are differentiated and mortal, germ cells retain the ability to develop into any cell type (called ‘totipotency’) and are immortal from generation to generation. Knutson found that removing the highly conserved SUMOylation pathway causes somatic cells to express germline proteins. The SUMOylation pathway modifies many nuclear proteins, thereby affecting their activity and function. Knutson employs genome-wide techniques, including microarray analysis and ChIP-seq technology, to assess how removing the SUMOylation pathway affects gene expression and to determine where SUMOylated proteins reside in the genome. His studies will elucidate mechanisms that control genome organization and development and how those mechanisms contribute to distinguishing germ and somatic identities.

Publication: Comparative effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors on p53 target gene expression, cell cycle and apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
Oncol Rep. 2012 Mar;27(3):849-53. doi: 10.3892/or.2011.1590. Epub 2011 Dec 12.
PMID: 22159450

headshot of Josh Parks
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headshot of Carolina Reyes
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How bacteria metabolize a solid mineral externally is of interest to microbiologists and geologists. Reyes investigated how bacteria metabolize iron minerals using the model bacterium Shewanella sp. strain ANA-3. The precise steps involved in bacterial metabolism of the iron mineral are not known, however, several hypotheses have been proposed. One hypothesis is that the bacterium metabolizes the iron using proteins inside the cell and sitting on the cell surface. These cytochrome proteins are thought to pass electrons from inside the cell to the iron mineral outside the cell. All organisms possess cytochrome proteins, and animals and plants use them in oxygen metabolism. In certain bacteria, these cytochrome proteins are composed of multiple residues that allow for the passage of electrons, a feature not common in animals and plants. The goal of her project is to determine why these bacterial cytochromes require multiple residues to pass electrons from inside the cell to iron minerals outside the cell. By altering the genetic material of ANA-3, she has eliminated specific regions of a cytochrome involved in iron metabolism in hopes of discovering which components enable this protein to pass electrons to the mineral outside the cell.

Reyes received her doctorate in 2011 and is  currently a research fellow at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Institute for Advanced Study in Bremen, Germany. Her research is supported in part by a fellowship from the J. William Fulbright Foundation, and an International Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation.

headshot of Sachiko Reed
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Reed combined qualitative research methods with surveys of physicians, geneticists, and researchers at UCSF and Stanford University to examine the implications of how race, especially for people of mixed race, is included and accounted for in genomic research.

headshot of Genevieve Halpenny
headshot of Blake Riggs
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Riggs worked to better understand what happens during the last phase of cell division in animals, using Drosophila melanogaster (the fruit fly) as a model. He is looking at the phase where the plasma membrane constricts to form two daughter cells.

headshot of Loni Townsley-Montoya
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Bacterial pathogens are a major cause of mortality worldwide, yet we know little about how these organisms adapt to habitats outside of the human host. Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the severe diarrheal disease cholera, is an excellent model system to study environmental adaptation because it must survive in aquatic habitats for prolonged periods between outbreaks. Temperature is a critical environmental signal governing the occurrence of V. cholerae, and cholera outbreaks are highly correlated with sea surface temperature.  However, it is unknown how V. cholerae senses and responds to temperature change or how this response impacts environmental survival and infectivity of this pathogen.  Loni’s research aims to identify the regulatory networks responsible for temperature adaptation in V. cholerae and determine their impact on the environmental survival of this pathogen.     

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Hansen studied information visualization interfaces that allow biologists to look at and easily query visual representations of biological information. The interfaces are used for information such as phylogeny charts, chromosomes, genes, and sequence alignments. For example, a user could start with a phylogeny chart, then click on “fly” to get a sub-chart that lists different species of flies. The user could then click on “Drosophila melanogaster ” to get a picture of fruit fly chromosomes. Clicking on a chromosome of interest would bring up a zoomed-in view showing which genes have been mapped. The user might also be able to click on notes to see the full text of annotations researchers may have attached. 

Last modified: Jan 27, 2025