Category: Events

  • [April 12, 2017] Comparative genomics meets genome assembly: from ancestral reconstruction to scaffolding

    [April 12, 2017] Comparative genomics meets genome assembly: from ancestral reconstruction to scaffolding

    Sergey Aganezov Department of Mathematics Graduate Research Assistant, Computational Biology Institute The George Washington University Title: Comparative genomics meets genome assembly: from ancestral reconstruction to scaffolding Wednesday, April 12, 2017 11:15 to 12:15 PM 599 Engineering 2 Abstract Comparative genomics meets genome assembly: from ancestral reconstruction to scaffolding We present our research that revolves around…

  • CANCELLED: Inferring Temporal Signaling Pathways and Regulatory Networks, and Classifying Cell Types from High-Throughput Data

    CANCELLED: Inferring Temporal Signaling Pathways and Regulatory Networks, and Classifying Cell Types from High-Throughput Data

    Due to inclement weather, flights out of Pittsburgh are grounded. Please stay tuned for a rescheduled event.   Siddartha Jain PhD student, Computer Science Department Carnegie Mellon University Friday, April 7, 2017 11:15 – 12:15 PM 599 Engineering 2 Abstract Cells need to be able to sustain themselves, divide, and adapt to new stimuli. Proteins are key…

  • Feel good, do good! pediatric cancer fundraiser run

    Feel good, do good! pediatric cancer fundraiser run

    he She is Beautiful run in Santa Cruz is fast approaching, and we would like to share the opportunity to sign up for it. It is such a great event!   The race will be on Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 8:30am. More info can be found on the registration page here.    If you can’t participate, but would like to donate,…

  • Ravi Pandya: Accelerating Genomics in the Cloud

    Thursday Mar 16, 2017 3:30pm – 4:30pm, E2-599 Abstract: I will describe an optimized version of the Broad Institute best practices BWA/GATK pipeline that we have developed to run in the Microsoft Azure cloud as an easy-to-use web service. This pipeline gives similar accuracy to standard BWA/GATK, but can process a 30x whole-genome FASTQ into…

Last modified: Apr 04, 2017