Category: Education News

  • Announcing the Winners of the DEI Action Award!

    The UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute diversity committee is thrilled to be able to announce this year’s winners of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Award:  Mohammed Mostajo-Radji – Research Investigator, Director of the Live Cell Biotechnology Discovery Lab Mohammmed (Mo) is receiving this award for his ongoing efforts to develop remote education opportunities to…

  • Angela Brooks Receives Mentor Award from SACNAS

    Angela Brooks Receives Mentor Award from SACNAS

    February 6, 2023 By Rose Miyatsu Angela Brooks, associate professor of biomolecular engineering at UC Santa Cruz, has received an Outstanding Research and Professional Mentor Award from the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). The award, which was announced at the 2022 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM conference, is awarded…

  • Jenny Reardon creates a framework for rebuilding public trust in science

    Jenny Reardon creates a framework for rebuilding public trust in science

    To rebuild public trust in science, Jenny Reardon and her colleagues propose shaping new studies in genomics, neuroscience, and AI to engage questions of ethics and justice from the beginning.

  • Response to ASHG’s “Facing our History” Report: Our Commitment to Building an Equitable Future

    Response to ASHG’s “Facing our History” Report: Our Commitment to Building an Equitable Future

    This week, the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) released a report, as part of its “Facing our History—Building an Equitable Future” initiative, that was aimed at acknowledging past injustices in the genomics community. We encourage everyone  engaged in genomics research to read this report, because while parts of it are painful, we agree with…

  • Remote-controlled microscopes bring complex biology education to students worldwide

    Remote-controlled microscopes bring complex biology education to students worldwide

    UC Santa Cruz researchers have developed a method for using remote-controlled, internet-connected microscopes to enable students anywhere in the world to participate in designing and carrying out biology experiments, increasing access to project-based learning in STEM.

  • New Live Cell Biotechnology Discovery Lab Aims to Reshape STEM Education

    New Live Cell Biotechnology Discovery Lab Aims to Reshape STEM Education

    October 13, 2022 The UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute has created a new Live Cell Biotechnology Discovery Lab as a maker space dedicated to creating the next generation of technologies for remote education. The lab, which occupies part of the second floor of the UCSC Westside Research Park, is inspired by an effort to improve…

  • New Educational Module for UCSC Genome Browser

    New Educational Module for UCSC Genome Browser

    In response to requests from users, we are announcing a new education module in the UCSC Genome Browser training pages. The UCSC Genome Browser is our most widely used genomics tool. Tens of thousands of researchers access it each year to view all 23 chromosomes of the human genome, down to its individual nucleotides. It…

  • New program will mentor and train students underrepresented in genomics research

    New program will mentor and train students underrepresented in genomics research

    The UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute will partner with California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) and the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras (UPRRP) Campus to mentor and provide genomics research experience for students from these two hispanic-serving institutions…

  • ASPIRE program launches to aid conservation in a changing climate

    ASPIRE program launches to aid conservation in a changing climate

    During the most severe megadrought in a millennium, a new program out of the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute involves students in an effort to measure changes in biodiversity and ultimately prevent them.

  • UC Santa Cruz DNA Day celebration brings excitement and entertainment to campus

    Olayemi Akintunde | UCSC | April 22, 2022 Last Friday, the Genomics Institute hosted our annual celebration of National DNA Day at the UC Santa Cruz Baskin Engineering courtyard. The fun and frivolity of DNA DAY 2022 did not skip a beat even though it has been two years since the event was held in-person.…

  • Humans of BSOE: Meet Zia Isola

    Humans of BSOE: Meet Zia Isola

    Zia is the Director of UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute Office of Diversity Programs, helping develop & manage programs that promote diversity & inclusion in STEM education & research at Baskin Engineering. UCSC Engineering | July 20, 2021 Zia Isola first came to UC Santa Cruz over 13 years ago. In addition to her primary…

  • Arctic ecology field course a memorable experience for students

    Arctic ecology field course a memorable experience for students

    They got cold and wet, slogged through mud and muck, were eaten alive by mosquitoes, and they all agreed it was one of the best experiences of their lives. Thirteen UC Santa Cruz undergraduates led by Beth Shapiro, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, traveled 2,800 miles through Alaska and the Yukon territory this summer,…

Last modified: Feb 08, 2023