UC Santa Cruz challenges any student who has a good idea for a business to participate in the campus’s first ever Business Plan Competition. This competition is open to students of any major, year, and experience.
By participating in this competition, students can generate exposure to potential employers, gain important experience, place an impressive point on their resumes, get valuable feedback on their ideas, and have a chance to win the $12,000 grand prize.
The competition aims to connect students and faculty from a variety of disciplines with each other to foster both the generation and pursuit of commercially viable ideas through partnerships. Most importantly, the students will be able to learn from each others’ experiences and from those of mentors from the faculty, and from the Santa Cruz and Silicon Valley business and technology communities.
This is a competition run by students for students and is a great opportunity for any major.
The Santa Cruz Redevelopment Agency is the major sponsor of the competition, supported by these other agencies: Santa Cruz Design and Innovation Center, NextSpace, Santa Cruz Geeks, Venture Capitalists, and other small businesses from the local area.
Anyone interested in participating can attend the competition launch mixer on Tuesday, February 3, 6:00-7:45 pm in Baskin Engineering 152. This meeting covers the competition rules and guidelines and is a chance to ask questions. Alternatively, email the sponsors at bplanUCSC@gmail.com.
Photo: Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels