How Our Community Came Together in 2020

In 2020, our community came together in powerful ways, proving we’re stronger when we work together. As we begin 2021, we don’t yet know all that will be asked of us, but we do know that the 2020 lessons of generosity, care, and collaboration will continue to guide us.
Join us in the online event, “How Our Community Came Together in 2020” to learn more about how your giving helped fuel the remarkable partnerships and grassroots organizing that drove solutions to our county’s most pressing problems from creating local COVID-19 testing and education to bridging the digital divide, recovering from fires, and protecting farmworkers.
Whether you’ve given to the COVID-19 Response Fund, the Fire Response Fund, Equal Access Santa Cruz County, or directly to our partner organizations — you’ve supported innovative partnerships that truly changed people’s lives in 2020. As the complexity of challenges continue to grow in 2021, so will our relationships and the ways we work together.
In this online event, join CEO Susan True as she shares stories of these unique collaborations and connects you with some of the local leaders that made 2020 better:

COVID-19 Testing and Education:
Bridging the Digital Divide: 
Fire Recovery:
Farmworker Advocacy:

Register here:

Last modified: Jan 19, 2021