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Join the 17th Precision Medicine World Conference (PMWC) 2020 Silicon Valley Conference on January 21 – 24 located at the Santa Clara Convention Center, ~5 miles from San Jose International Airport.
PMWC 2020 Silicon Valley, co-hosted by Stanford Health Care, UCSF, Duke Health, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Michigan – will welcome 2,500+ multidisciplinary attendees from around the world and include:
- 3-Day Program
- 5 Simultaneous Tracks
- 400+ Speakers
- 85 Sessions
- Awards Reception (@UCSF)
- Company Showcases
- Exhibition Floor
PMWC 2020 builds upon and brings together sources and key stakeholders surrounding the exciting news we are witnessing on a daily basis in the field of Precision Medicine. See the five tracks scheduled in the program:
- Track 1: Emerging Therapeutics
o CAR-T Cell Therapy, Cancer Neoantigen Vaccines, Cardiovascular Therapeutics, CRISPR, Gene Therapies, FDA Perspective, and more
- Track 2: AI/ Machine Learning & Data Sciences
o Data Science in Drug Discovery, Clinical Trial Design & Patient Selection, the FDA Perspective, Computational Models that Expedite Clinical Dx, Driving Toward Value-Based Care, and more
- Track 3: Diagnostics in Clinical Practice
o Liquid Biopsy Applications, Sequencing Data Challenges, Supporting Technologies, Women’s Health, Clinical Dx/NIPT, Rare Disease Dx, and more
- Track 4: Molecular Profiling from Research to the Clinic
o Clinical Trials Management & Support, DTC DNA Reporting, Risk Profiling, Clinical Genomic Profiling, NGS Data, Biomarker Discovery, and more
- Track 5: Health monitoring, Wellness, and Microbial Testing
o Microbial Wellness Monitoring, the Microbiota & Aging/Chronic Diseases, Pathogen ID, Microbiome-Based Tx & Dx, and more
Speakers include:
- David Haussler, NGS Workflows For Clinical Diagnostics Applications | Panel | Jan. 22 1:30 P.M.
- Olena Morozova Vaske Unique Population Study Collaborations | Panel, Jan. 22, 11:00 A.M.
- Philip Greenberg, Fred Hutch
- Steve Shak, Genomic Health
- Brook Byers, Kleiner Perkins
- Mary V Relling, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
- Stan Huff, Intermountain Healthcare
- Atul Butte, UCSF
- Mike Snyder, Stanford
- Sean Khozin, FDA
- Thomas Hawes, Blue Cross Blue Shield Ventures
- Laura van’t Veer, UCSF
- Ira Mellman, Genentech
- Theresa LaValle, Parker Institute
- Janet Campbell, Epic
- Tonu Esko, Estonian Genome Center
- Ajay Goel, City of Hope
- Carlos Bifulco, Providence
- Elizabeth Mittendorf, Dana Farber
Browse the speaker list as of today
Company presentations in a showcase format include:
- AI & Data Sciences Showcase
- Clinical Dx Showcase
- Clinical and Research Tools Showcase
- Emerging Therapeutics Showcase
- Genomic Profiling Showcase
- Immunotherapy Showcase
- Liquid Biopsy Showcase
- Microbial Profiling Showcase
Learn first-hand about the industry’s recent advancements, cutting-edge new applications and strategies in precision medicine that are improving patient diagnosis, treatment, and outcome.
REGISTER HERE: https://www.pmwcintl.com/registration/
Contact Email: team@pmwcintl.com
Event Address:
Santa Clara Convention Center