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Attention UC Santa Cruz Alumni!
Alumni Weekend 2019 is coming up April 26-28. Connect with fellow Slugs, walk your familiar paths on campus, as well as lots of music, food and fun!
Below are selected events featuring appearances by Genomics Institute Affiliated Faculty
Register and plan your weekend: alumniweekend.ucsc.edu Posting to social media? Use #UCSCAlumni
Distinguished Graduate Student Alumni Award Luncheon | Sat. 4/27 11:00 am -1:30 pm | Stevenson Event Center | Register
David Haussler presents Steve Benz with the Distinguished Graduate Alumnus award on behalf of Baskin Engineering and the Genomics Institute.
Lab Tours Sat. 4/27 1:30-3 pm | Register
Join us for a behind the scenes look at work currently underway in cutting-edge engineering labs. Conducted by:
- Sri Kurniawan and Mircea Teodorescu, highlighting the CAVE (E2) and the works of students
- Ricardo Sanfelice, highlighting the Hybrid Systems Lab (E2)
- Camilla Forsberg, highlighting the Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells (BioMed)
BE Happy Juice Bar Saturday, April 27 at 3:00pm to 4:00pm Jack Baskin Engineering | Register
Relax, refresh, connect!
Teach-ins: Big ideas, no quizzes
Sat. 4/27 11:00 am -12:00 pm | E2, room TBA | Doors open at 10:30 am. | Register
No quizzes! Just cool ideas. Join us to experience some of what keeps our faculty and students busy.
David Bernick, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biomolecular Engineering, “Fuel, Food, and Pharma: Can Synthetic Biology Empower Social Change?”
Lise Getoor, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, “Responsible Data Science”
Abhradeep Guha Thakurta, Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, “Decoding Genetic Privacy”
High Impact Science from Physical & Biological Sciences
Sat. 4/27 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm | Reception in the square between PSB and library beginning at 1:30 | Talk Location: PSB 110, 2:00–3:00 pm | Register
Talks by four PBSci faculty followed by a beer, wine, and snacks reception where you can learn about our departments, programs, and students. The faculty speakers — who are also UC Santa Cruz alumni — are:
* Earth and the Cosmos–Natalie Batalha
* Life and the Environment–Kristy Kroeker
* Next-Generation Medicine–Olena Morozova Vaske (Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative)
* Teaching Techniques for Today–Aura Alegra Eroy‑Reveles